Monthly Archives: May 2011

Immunity Gained?????

Some times in life some things stick with you for LIFE. No matter how hard u may try to stop it from happening, no matter what ever measures u may take to avoid the occurrence of it but all the time and always at regular intervals it keeps bumping into you, making you cry, hurting you, torture you and make you bleed from inside. But avoiding the existence of it becomes impossible for you,it apparently becomes a permanent part of your life and it refuses not to disappear.

As the time passes, u learn to grow and live with these circumstances and accept it as a part of your life and try to ignore and not to pay attention at the presence of it. And at one point you absolutely become immune to its occurrence, it does not hurt you anymore, does not make u cry, does not make u bleed endlessly because it already has made so much damage that further more damage does not effect you in any way. It keeps coming into view and you just ignore it and move forward. You learn not to complain about it, you learn to accept it as it is, you learn to not make a big deal out of it. Because finally you come to realize that objecting and complaining are not working rather it only ruins the situation further more.

I dont know if i should have fought against it endlessly or i did it right by surrendering and getting immune to it presence, or some times i really wonder that if i really have gained the immunity or it still comes to haunt and hurt me to no bounds.

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Posted by on May 31, 2011 in Heart talk